Day 4

I didn't write a blog yesterday because it was a short day as we didn't have any class due to Eaarth Day. But we did have a 1.5h practice. Today (May 12th) was a productive day for Mel and I. We started off the morning with 2 classes, c block English 9 and a block Athlete in Lit. After the first two blocks, we went to little brother burger for lunch at the same time do some grading for English 9 students. After having a really good chicken sandwich, Mel had to attend a meeting that goes till 1pm. As soon as the meeting was over, Mel headed to Carr House to pick me to go to Concord to do some grocery shopping for the tennis team as they are preparing for the championship. We got back at 3:30 for tennis practice. That wraps up the day for me. 

Hours: 9

Total hours: 28


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